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 الوحدة الثالثة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
فريق هندسة الحواسب
فريق هندسة الحواسب

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 829

الوحدة الثالثة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الوحدة الثالثة   الوحدة الثالثة Icon_minitime110/1/2010, 20:25

Uniy: 3
Inside the system

Key Words:
Nerve - center – built – single – chip – microprocessor – integrated
Circuit – executes – supervises – control – examines – interprets
Causes – components – activated – arithmetic – logic - mathematical
calculations – operations – registers – counter – architecture
Evolving - address – loaded – application – transfers – random
Access - temporary – section – permanent – expansion – slots
Adapter - resolution – partly – determined – clock – provide
Pulses - fixed – intervals – synchronize – frequency – emitted
Demanding – capacity – wider – path


1. CU: Control Unit.
2. ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit.
3. PC (register): Program Counter.
4. IR: Instruction Register.
5. RAM: Random Access Memory.
6. ROM: Read Only Memory.
7. MHZ: Megahertz.
8. GHZ: Gigahertz.
9. SIMM: Single-In line Memory Modules.
10. DIMM: Dual –In line Memory Modules.


1. What is the main function of a microprocessor?
It executes program instructions and supervises the computer's overall operation.

2. What is the function of a CU?
a. Examines the instructions in the user's program.
b. Interprets each instruction.
c. Causes the circuits and the rest of the components to be activated to execute the functions specified.

3. What is the function of ALU?
It performs mathematical calculation (+,-...)
And logical operations (and, or…).

4. What are the registers?
They are high speed units of memory used to store
And control information.

5. What does PC (register) do?
It keeps track of the next instruction to be performed in the M.M

6. What does IR do?
It holds the instruction that is currently being executed.

7. What does clock do?
It provides pulses at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize circuits and unit.

8. What happen when the user runs the applications?
a. The microprocessor looks for the application on SSDs.
b. Transfers a copy of it into the RAM area.

9. Why is RAM temporary?
Because it information is lost when the computer is turned off.

10. Why is ROM instructions permanent?
Because it instructions are needed by the processor.

11. What does expansion slots do?
It allows users to install adapters or expansion cards.

12. What do the units MHZ, GHZ measure?
It measures the clock speed.

13. How can RAM capacity be expanded?
It can be expended by adding extra chip (SIMM/DIMM).

14. What does expansion cards do?
It improves the performance of a computer system.

15. What does DIMM do?
It allows for a wider data path.

16. What is a megahertz?
It is unit of frequency used to measure the speed of pulses emitted by the clock.

17. What is the abbreviation for 'binary digit'?
It is bit.

False or true:

1. On the ground, airlines are connected to travel agencies by computer: {T}.
2. PCs are used for administrative purposes :{ T}.
3. The CPU directs and coordinates the activities taking place with in computer system :{ T}.
4. The ALU performs calculations on the data :{ T}.
5. 32-bit processors can handle less information than 64-bit processors :{ F}.
6. A chip is an electronic device composed of silicon elements containing a set of integrated circuits :{ T}.
7. RAM, ROM and SSDs are the components of M.M :{ F}.
8. Information cannot be processed by the microprocessor if it isn't loaded into the M.M :{ T}.
9. In order to process data it must be first loaded onto the SSDs that is a temporary copy must be transferred to it :{ F}.
10. Permanent storage of information is provided by RAM :{ F}.
11. The speed of the microprocessor is measured in MHZ or GHZ :{ T}.
12. One GHZ is equivalent to one thousand MHZ :{ T}.
13. One MHZ is equivalent to one million cycles per second :{ T}.
14. The peripherals holds the instructions and data that are currently being processed by the M.M :{ F}.
15. RAM allows for a wider data path than SIMMs :{ F}.
16. Both SIMMs and DIMMs are types of ROM memory that can expand its capacity :{ F}.
17. Multitasking means a computer can have more than one processor in two systems connected together in network :{ F}.
18. The CPU consists of CU, ALU and memory :{ F}.
19. A clock is measured by GB and is referred to as the speed of the processor :{ F}.
20. The hardware of computer system consists of three main sections: CPU, M.M and SSDs :{ F}.
21. Expansion slots enable users to install adaptors that improve the performance of computer :{ T}.
22. A port is any channel that input or output devices may be connected to :{ T}.
23. Mainframes are larger than any type of micro computers which intern are absolutely smaller than minicomputers :{ T}.
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